Day 9 – Focus – My Calling
Thank the Lord for the call to serve Him with your unique gifts and abilities. 1 Peter 2:9 Why then do we pray?…
Thank the Lord for the call to serve Him with your unique gifts and abilities. 1 Peter 2:9 Why then do we pray?…
Attend Church, rest, and reflect On my knees in awe? CS Lewis in Letters to Malcolm (p78) says The soul that has once…
Lift up in Prayer all those with authority over you. Especially pray today for the ADBC leadership as they meet together.
Place your trust in God and commit yourself to His care. Psalm 37:5. Have you seen your prayer as ‘incense’ before the throne…
Still yourself before God so that you can hear the voice of His Spirit. John 10:4
Worship the Lord for who He is and the magnificence of His character. John 4:23
Surrender All areas of your life to God so that you may draw closer to Him and be conformed to the image of…
Sunday 14th January Read 2 Timothy 2:11-13 “Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him;12 if we…
Relax and spend some time in prayer.