Wednesday 28th February
Read Matthew 5:11-12
“‘Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (NIVUK)
Jesus expands the eighth blessing and makes it personal. There are three important ways that Jesus expands it. First, he defines persecution more fully and includes verbal abuse, gossip and hearsay – the kinds of malicious campaigns that occur often but can remain unseen.
Second He defines righteousness more fully and centres it in Himself. The parallel phrase in the two beatitudes are ‘because of righteousness’ (v10) and ‘because of me’ (v11). Thus, the more we look like Jesus, the more righteous we are and the greater the persecution.
Finally, the kingdom of heaven is a place of joy and the eternal perspective Jesus is encouraging those who follow Him to adopt allows those who know the good life to rejoice. Whilst we may try to ‘do’ the beatitudes to gain the kingdom of heaven, what Jesus is actually describing are those who already have it. He is describing their character as if it were already transformed. But we have a direct command here at the end: ‘Rejoice and be glad’. The only response appropriate for those who have the good life.