Wednesday 6th March
Read Matthew 5:19-20
“Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practises and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (NIVUK)
The standard trope for all bible-reading is to ask the question, ‘What is the therefore there for?’. Jesus has just stated that He is not opposed to law in any way. To suggest otherwise is deceitful. More than that He believes the law will stand for as long as the universe – that is how awesome and amazing it is (v17-18). Jesus is pro-law. He will, and did, fulfil it in every way imaginable.
‘Therefore’ disdain and dismissal of the law by any who follow Him, those in the ‘kingdom of heaven’, is a very dangerous path indeed. His view of the law is so high, none of us can safely look down upon it either. The logic is simple. If the law is God’s word, the good and righteous word of the king of the universe, even the least of the commands is significant. Greatness is found in obedience (v19).
Those in the crowd at the foot of the mountain would be comforted by such a strong affirmation and endorsement of the law. Right up until the last statement. For the Pharisees were the benchmark for law observance. Their entire way of life centred around making it possible to practice and follow the law fully and completely. To the crowd it would seem impossible that anyone could surpass their righteousness. How do you get more than 100% on a test? It is even worse, the fail mark is 100%! You don’t even get in unless you get more.
Tomorrow we will consider what Jesus means. But today simply reflect on what He says. Place yourself amongst the crowd hearing this for the first time. How would you feel if the standard for holiness, for entry into the kingdom of heaven, was placed so far beyond reach?