Saturday 1st April
Read John 12:17-19
“Now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to spread the word. 18 Many people, because they had heard that he had performed this sign, went out to meet him. 19 So the Pharisees said to one another, ‘See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!’” (NIVUK)
We increasingly live in times when two crowds might also easily form. Those who would witness to the life found in Jesus, and those who would go out, perhaps in opposition, perhaps in support. Given the tension these verses describe the situation as Jesus approached Jerusalem was fraught and potentially volatile.
Are you a ‘quick’ gatherer, likely to start petitions and agitate for justice publicly? Or are you more passive, waiting to see how things turn out and not convinced your action as an individual makes any difference? Would you have marched for abolition of slavery, or for women’s suffrage? Would you have been milling in these crowds on the road to Jerusalem, shouting in acclamation of Jesus or tense about his growing popularity and power?
It is easy in hindsight to place ourselves in the ‘right’ crowd. But these people are unaware of the cross and resurrection, unaware of the events about to unfold. The presence of Jesus himself divides people and forces a decision. We are challenged each time we read the gospel narrative to decide. Many whole-hearted Christian believers owned slaves before abolition. Many opposed suffrage. Hindsight is wonderful. But unsurprisingly, decisions are not often made with hindsight…
Pray for the wisdom to make the right decisions, at the right time, and honour God in doing so.