Thursday 8th August
Read John 12:14-15
“Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it, as it is written:
15 ‘Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion;
see, your king is coming,
seated on a donkey’s colt.’” (NIVUK)
The other three gospels all report Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and emphasise different features. John’s account is the shortest by far. For example, a lot of information is contained by John within the word ‘found’! Whilst it is clear from the other gospels that Jesus arranged for the colt to ride on, the key point John wants us to remember is simple.
An enormous crowd gathered to usher the new King of Israel into the capital city, laying down palm branches and singing Messianic psalms. Any king arriving in the way the crowds are hoping for would commandeer an enormous warhorse, or even a chariot, and approach the gates of the city triumphantly. Jesus deliberately found a colt, a young donkey. His feet would nearly be touching the ground to ride it. It is an absurd scene.
Even at this stage Jesus is making it as clear as possible that He is not that kind of king. Jesus is deliberately seeking to dampen the crowd’s enthusiasm. He is not entirely successful. John is asking us the question what expectations do we place on God that are simply unreasonable or incorrect entirely?
One thing the crowds do get right though – He is worthy of every word of praise offered.