Saturday 1st April Read John 12:17-19 “Now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him…
Saturday 1st April Read John 12:17-19 “Now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him…
Friday 31st March Read John 12:14-16 “Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it, as it is written: 15 ‘Do not be afraid,…
Thursday 30th March Read John 12:14-15 “Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it, as it is written: 15 ‘Do not be afraid,…
Wednesday 29th March Read John 12:14-15 “Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it, as it is written: 15 ‘Do not be afraid,…
Tuesday 28th March Read John 12:12-19 “The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on…
Monday 27th March Read John 12:12-19 “The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on…
Sunday 26th March Read John 12:9-11 “Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because…
Saturday 25th March Read John 12:4-8 “But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, 5 ‘Why wasn’t this…
Friday 24th March Read John 12:4-8 “But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, 5 ‘Why wasn’t this…
Thursday 23rd March Read John 12:1-3 “Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from…