Thank the Lord for the call to serve Him with your unique gifts and abilities. 1 Peter 2:9
Why then do we pray? Why then do I pray?
There are many formulae on what to pray, and it seems an age-old question. Even in the gospels, Jesus is faced with the question of “teach us what to pray”. There are no end to books still seeking to answer that question. To me though, why has always been more important than what.
Shall I do this thing because it is expected of me? Why do this instead of that? Why do I follow this Christ? Why should I speak with Him, when I’m not that fond of speaking with those around me? After all, I’m not exactly the most talkative guy in the room 🙂
What I do have is gratitude. I am thankful for the gifts He has given me and the many opportunities they have brought. I am thankful for my limitations too – for they give me a point of view that increases my compassion. I am thankful for the chance to serve Him and His in ways that matter – even when I’m forced to be more social than I’m comfortable with or to do the difficult things. It is then that I am most aware of His grace carrying me. His call sustains me to do the things I never thought I could.